Dog Attacks on Other Dogs (B)
The Public Safety Committee discussed this referral and has concluded that the City and County have authority to regulate dangerous dogs and that no additional actions are needed.
Mayor Lowe brought this item forward under Commission Comment at the January 6, 2011, City Commission meeting. Mayor Lowe had received a complaint from a citizen whose leashed dog was attacked by an unleashed dog. When the citizen filed a complaint, she was told that there was no ordinance to address this issue.
County ordinance Chapter 75 and City ordinance 5-2(1) prohibits an owner from allowing their animal to become a public nuisance. A dog attacking another dog would be considered a dangerous dog and a public nuisance which can be addressed under County and City ordinance. Both County and City animal control ordinances apply within the City. The Committee began discussion of this referral at its March 31, 2011 meeting and discussed it again at the May 16, 2011 meeting. The Alachua County Director of Animal Services attended the meetings and indicated that the County was considering changes to its ordinance regarding aggressive dogs. The Committee decided to wait to see how the County revised its ordinance(s) before recommending any potential changes to the City's ordinance, to perhaps mirror the County's changes.
In early 2012 the County updated Chapter 75 of their ordinance and GPD has reviewed those changes. At the June 28, 2012 Committee meeting an update was provided by GPD. The Committee concluded that it was not necessary for the City to revise its ordinance.
During review of current State law, County and City ordinances, it became apparent that GPD needs to provide more education to GPD officers in addressing animal control and especially dangerous dog issues, and work on improving communications with Alachua County Animal Services. GPD has implemented steps to assure officers are more educated on...
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