Old Landfill at Sweetwater - Slope and Creek Stabilization (B)
This item involves a request for the City Commission to approve additional compensation for the project to Environmental Barrier Company, LLC (EBC). The changes in site condition required EBC to incur additional costs in order to accomplish repair work and complete the project in a satisfactory manner.
The City retained the services of EBC as a completion contractor for this project in November 2005. This change order allows additional compensation for the completion contractor for repairing the initial contractors damage to the site and includes additional end treatment work needed due to the original contractor failure to the complete the contract.
Fiscal Note
The amount of the change order is $499,621.40. This sum is subject to labor, material and equipment charges to the project that have been paid by the City which will be accounted for in the issuance of a revised purchase order for the contractor. Funding for the change order is available in the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission: 1) approve $1,336,000 as the contract cost for the completion contract, 2) authorize the City Manager to issue a revised purchase order to the completion contractor and 3) authorize all funding transfers in the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund necessary for the additional costs, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.
Alternative Recommendation A: There are no alternate recommendations or fiscal notes.