Smithsonian Community Grant Award (NB)
This item involves a request that the City accept a Smithsonian Community Grant award to assist in the development and implementation of China Fest.
On August 1, 2008, the City of Gainesville's Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs applied for a Smithsonian Community Grant award in an amount of $5000 to support the China Fest entertainment costs. The China Fest event was held on Sunday, October 26, 2008, on the Thomas Center Grounds. China Fest was held in collaboration with the "Documenting China: Photography and Social Change" exhibition in the Thomas Center Main Gallery which runs from October 25, 2008 - January 4, 2009. It attracted over 700 participants, many new to the Thomas Center and the Galleries.
Fiscal Note
No match is required.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission accept the Smithsonian Community Grant award for development and implementation of China Fest.
Alternative Recommendation: The City Commission decline the Smithsonian Community Grant award for development and implementation of China Fest.