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File #: 080031.    Version: 0 Name: Ranking and Site Selection for the Relocation of the General Services Fleet Management Facility and Public Works Material Storage Yard (B)
Type: Discussion Item Status: To Be Introduced
File created: 6/23/2008 In control: City Manager
On agenda: Final action: 6/23/2008
Title: Ranking and Site Selection for the Relocation of the General Services Fleet Management Facility and Public Works Material Storage Yard (B) This item involves a request to approve the ranking of four sites for the relocation of the General Services Fleet Management Facility and Public Works Material Storage Yard.
Attachments: 1. 080031_200806231300.pdf
Ranking and Site Selection for the Relocation of the General Services Fleet Management Facility and Public Works Material Storage Yard (B)

This item involves a request to approve the ranking of four sites for the relocation of the General Services Fleet Management Facility and Public Works Material Storage Yard.

On February 18, 2008 the City Commission directed the City Manager to develop a plan to phase out the fleet service, material storage and other incompatible uses from the Public Works Center site. In order to phase out the fleet service and material storage, additional property is being sought. Staff developed site selection criteria to identify and rank suitable sites. Staff placed an ad in the Gainesville Sun requesting owners or representatives of owners interested in selling land within a 5 mile radius of 405 NW 39th Avenue to contact the City. There was one owner that responded to this request. Staff also identified properties within the surrounding area that were on the market for sale. Four sites were identified as suitable and staff applied the criteria for ranking. The four properties are ranked as follows:

1. Wurn Property
2. Cheshire Property
3. ADC Property
4. Hawes Property

Fiscal Note
Funding for the projects had been approved by the City Commission as part of the FY09-FY13 CIP.

The City Commission: 1) approve the ranking of the four sites; 2) authorize the City Manager or his designee to initiate negotiations with the top ranked property owner(s) for land acquisition; and 3) authorize the City Manager, upon successful contract negotiations, to execute the contract and any related documents upon approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.

Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission deny this recommendation and provide alternative direction to staff for relocation of the General Services Fleet Maintenance Facility and the Public Works Materi...

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