Reimbursement for Oversizing of Water and Wastewater Facilities at Fletcher Park (NB)
Fletcher Park is a single family residential development located in the 300 block of SW 122nd Street (east side of roadway). A wastewater gravity collection system, pump station and force main must be constructed to provide wastewater service for the project. The pump station and force main will connect to an existing 16" force main located at the intersection of SW 8th Avenue and SW 122nd Street. Fletcher Park must also construct a potable water distribution system to serve the development with domestic water.
In order to properly serve future parcels that are currently undeveloped, oversizing of the pump station wetwell is required. For the same reason, one water and one wastewater stubout to the property line is also needed. Additionally to improve the capacity and reliability of GRU's force main on Newberry Road, the Fletcher Park force main is being oversized. The Developer's Engineer has accommodated this in the development design. GRU's costs are limited to an incremental cost difference of $37,000 to oversize the force main and wetwell and $4,000 to construct the stubouts.
The recommended amount of $41,000.00 includes all construction labor and materials associated with the water and wastewater system oversizing to satisfactorily complete the work.
The City Commission authorize reimbursement for the oversizing of water and wastewater facilities at Fletcher Park in the amount of $41,000.00.
Fiscal Note
Funds for this project are available in the FY 05 Water and Wastewater Capital Improvements Budget.
Prepared by: Kimberly O. Zoltek, P.E., Water and Wastewater Engineering Director
Submitted by: Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager