Request for Reallocation of Recreational Projects Funded by the First Florida Governmental Financing Commission (FFGFC) 2002 Bond Issue (NB)
City staff has been working with the Gator Bowmen Archery Club to rebuild their clubhouse that was destroyed by fire in September 2001.
Due to changes in airport regulations, and an increase in the cost of the property lease for the clubhouse that is currently located on Gainesville Regional Airport property, staff determined that the most cost effective approach was to relocate the existing range to undeveloped property owned by the City, located off SR 121 and Wacahoota Road. However, in order to locate the new clubhouse on the proposed Wacahoota property, the City will need to build an access road, put in a well and septic system, and provide electric service.
The Gator Bowmen obtained a Tourist Development Grant for $16,700 to be used towards the rebuilding project. Staff estimates that the improvements related to the relocation will cost $50,000, with the majority of this cost used for construction of the access road on to the property. The City originally anticipated receiving financial assistance for the archery range relocation from the Florida Department of Forestry; however, due to budget constraints, the Florida Department of Forestry has removed themselves from the process. There are no City budgeted funds available for this project.
Staff in consultation with the City Attorney's Office has determined that the Hogtown Creek paving Charter provision will not allow construction of a pro shop at Westside Park. Staff requests permission to transfer $50,000 from the $100,000 FFGFC 2002 bond proceeds originally slated for the Westside Tennis Pro Shop to be used for the Gator Bowmen Archery Club relocation project.
The Recreation and Parks Department also has $34,000 allocated from the bond proceeds to be used to upgrade the tennis court lights at Westside Park. Staff now...
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