Update on Tree Ordinance Stakeholder Committee Recommendations (B)
This item includes a status update on the Tree Ordinance Stakeholder Committee recommendations.
At the July 27, 2017 General Policy Committee (GPC) meeting, the GPC heard the final recommendations of the Tree Ordinance Stakeholder Committee and directed staff to implement the quick hits, as recommended by the Committee. Since that time, staff has shared the recommendations with the City Plan Board and the Tree Advisory Board; both Boards provided positive feedback on the proposed changes. Staff is now working with the City Attorney’s office and members of the Tree Ordinance Stakeholder Committee to draft code to implement the quick hits. Staff anticipates that the proposed changes will come before the City Commission by the end of the year for action.
In addition to the quick hits recommended by the Committee, there were more substantial recommendations that required additional vetting by Gainesville residents and business owners. The long-range recommendations specifically included mechanisms to cap the tree mitigation fee, additional uses of the tree mitigation fund and providing flexibility in stormwater basin requirements.
Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact at this time.
The General Policy Committee: 1) hear an update on the Tree Ordinance Stakeholder Committee recommendations, 2) provide policy guidance on long-range recommendations and 3) remove this item from the GPC referral list.