Award Bid to Gainesville Harley Davidson for the Purchase of Six (6) 2007 Harley Davidson Road King (FLHP) Motorcycles (B)
This item involves the request for replacement of six motorcycle patrol units for Gainesville Police Department.
The Gainesville Police Department utilizes motorcycles in its patrol and traffic fleet because of their superior maneuverability in traffic, crowd control and excellent fuel consumption. The Harley Davidson brand is recommended because of the minimal life cycle cost which is mostly driven by the high residual value. One (1) quotation was received from the local Gainesville Harley Davidson & Beull and was compared to the price on the Florida Sheriffs Association contract. The lower price of $15,215 was received from Gainesville Harley Davison & Beull.
Fiscal Note
$96,000 is available in the FY2007 Fleet Replacement Fund for Division 8150.
The City Commission: 1) authorize the bid award to Gainesville Harley Davidson for the purchase of six (6) Harley Davidson Road King (FLHP) Motorcycles; and 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the contract and issue a purchase order not to exceed $91,290.
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission deny the request for the bid award to Gainesville Harley Davidson & Buell, requiring a new bid process potentially losing current pricing and increasing delivery times.
Alternative Recommendation B: The City Commission deny the request and replace motorcycles with the less maneuverability and higher fuel consumption sedans.
Alternative Recommendation C: The City Commission deny the request and rebid to include other brands of motorcycles with the potential of increasing the total life cycle cost.