Contract for Installation of Gas Pipeline (B)
The proposed contract provides for the annual installation of approximately 30,000 total feet of various sizes of polyethylene plastic and steel gas pipe and appurtenances in various locations in GRU's service area. The installation of gas pipe is required for new and existing subdivisions.
Invitations to Bid were sent to five companies capable of providing these services. Three of the five responded with bids, one company did not respond and one no bid due to previous work commitments. The three bids received were evaluated using representative samples of the proposed work and the bidder's prices. The responsive, responsible low bidder is TB Landmark Construction, Inc. A copy of the bid tabulation is included for your information.
The City Commission: 1) authorize the General Manager or his designee to execute a three year contract with T.B. Landmark Construction, Inc., for the installation of gas pipelines, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality, and 2) approve the issuance of purchase orders to T.B. Landmark Construction in amounts not to exceed $350,000.00. for FY 2002 work.
Fiscal Note
Funds for these services are included in the FY 2002 Utilities Budget.
Prepared by: Thomas L. Brazeal, Gas Transmission and Distribution Manager
Submitted by: Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager