Expansion of Security Camera Project at J.R. Kelly Generating Station (NB)
On August 23, 2004 the City Commission approved the issuance of a Purchase Order to Crime Prevention Security Systems for the supply and installation of six security cameras at the J.R. Kelly Generating Station in the amount of $57,835. Further security analysis resulted in the recommendation to add three cameras to allow all access points to the plant to be monitored. The original plan provided equipment to monitor the gated entrances only. In addition, five cameras were added to monitor for fire in generating areas of the plant as a back up to other systems and to allow control room personnel to view a site if an alarm did trigger. Through consultation and negotiation with Crime Prevention Security Systems, the additional eight cameras and labor to install them will increase the project cost by $18,427 for a new total of $76,262. Staff recommends proceeding with the revised plan which will provide for better security and add the ability to visually monitor for fire in key areas.
The City Commission approve the issuance of a change order for additional security cameras for J.R. Kelly Generating Station in the amount of $18,427 (new not to exceed amount of $76,262).
Fiscal Note
Funding for this request is included in the Operations and Maintenance Budget for FY 2005.
Prepared by: George K. Allen, Assistant General Manager, Energy Supply
Submitted by: Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager