(Quasi-judicial). Petition 12WSU-02 CC, Eng, Denman & Associates, Inc., agent for Prestige Hyundai. A Special Use Permit for Wellfield Protection for Automotive Repair. Zoned: BA (automotive-oriented business district). Located at 2110 & 2200 North Main Street. Related to Petition 13SPA-02CD. (B)
The petitioner is requesting City Commission approval of a Wellfield Protection Special Use Permit to allow new uses within an existing building, which was originally approved by the City for a carwash and detailing. The building in question (southernmost) is one of three buildings that comprise the new Prestige Hyundai car dealership site on North Main Street opposite Prestige Lincoln Mercury. The petitioner plans to utilize the southernmost building for Automotive Repair and Service as part of a car dealership, which is allowed by right in the BA (business-automotive) zoning district. Because the petitioner is proposing to convert only a portion of the existing facility from an automated carwash to two automotive repair and service bays and storage, the development plan review associated with this Wellfield Special Use Permit requires review only by the City's Technical Review Committee (staff). The plan, however, has been provided to the Commission for a better understanding of the request and as background for the decision-making process on the special use permit. The facility is located in the southwest corner of the intersection of Northeast 23rd Avenue and North Main Street, on property zoned BA (automotive-oriented business district).
The property in question is located in the Tertiary Zone of the Murphy Wellfield Protection Zones. It has been determined by staff that certain hazardous materials will either be stored, used or sold at this car dealership facility.
The property is also located in the City's Transportation Concurrency Exception Area, TCEA, Zone A. Because of its location in Zone A, the petitio...
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