Community Resource Paramedicine Plan Presentation by Gainesville Fire Rescue (B)
This item requests that the General Policy Committee hear a presentation by Gainesville Fire Rescue on the Community Resource Paramedicine Plan for consideration of American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funding.
The City of Gainesville has expanded non-emergency health services for the past five years through the development and expansion of the Gainesville Fire Rescue (GFR) Community Resource Paramedicine Program (CRP). The CRP seeks to improve health and wellness and reduce emergency service needs for clients experiencing social barriers to managing their healthcare needs by connecting underutilized resources to underserved populations.
The Commission increased capacity through incremental funding. Additional phases are anticipated for FY22 and FY23 to expand the program scope and services into a comprehensive Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) for the City of Gainesville.
Strategic Connection
This item is connected to Goal 1 Equitable Community.
Fiscal Note
The recommended funding amounts are $750,000 for FY22 and $250,000 for FY23.
The General Policy Committee hear the presentation from Gainesville Fire Rescue.