A resolution of the City of Gainesville, Florida, approving and updating the City of Gainesville Residential Density Bonus Points Manual; providing for consistency of the Manual with the policies adopted in the Urban Design, Future Land Use and Transportation Mobility Elements of the 2001 Comprehensive Plan; making certain minor modifications throughout the Manual; adopting the Increased Residential Density Bonus Points Manual as applied to applications for development review received after March 14, 2005; repealing the Density Bonus Points Manual currently in effect; providing an effective date.
The City Commission (1) approve Petition 194TCH-04 PB, and (2) adopt the proposed Resolution.
This petition proposes to update the City of Gainesville Residential Density Points Manual based on policies adopted in the Urban Design, Future Land Use and Transportation Mobility Elements of the 2001 Comprehensive Plan. Revisions to this Manual also strive to correct errors detected in the Manual since it was last revised and adopted in 1992.
The Plan Board heard the petition and recommended that it be approved.
Public notice was published in the Gainesville Sun on January 4, 2005. The Plan Board held a public hearing January 20, 2005. Planning Division staff recommended that the Plan Board approve the petition. The Plan Board recommended that the City Commission approve Petition 194TCH-04 PB. Plan Board vote 6-0.