Kelly Generating Station Remodeling Project (B)
Staff recommends awarding a contract to BBI Construction Management, Inc. for construction of the Kelly Generating Station Remodeling Project.
The project consists of infilling the two openings within the northern portion of the second floor turbine area. At the western opening a new stairway is to be provided down to the first floor. The northern portion of the second floor is to be remodeled into an office area, including a conference/training room with new restroom facilities. Existing offices are to be reconstructed with modifications to the control room and the construction of additional offices. The project contains concrete and steel demolition, new concrete, carpet, ceramic tile, gypsum board, acoustic ceiling, insulation, a rooftop gas pack, an outdoor air pre-conditioning unit and exhaust fans.
Invitations to Bid for the Kelly Generating Station Remodeling Project were sent by Utilities Purchasing to thirteen companies that perform this type of work. A mandatory pre-bid was held with six contractors represented. Three contractors responded with bids. BBI Construction Management, Inc. submitted the lowest bid. A tabulation of the bids received is attached for your information.
The City Commission 1) authorize the General Manager, or her designee, to execute a contract with BBI Construction Management, Inc. for construction of the Kelly Generation Station Remodeling Project, and 2) approve the issuance of a purchase order to BBI Construction Management, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $655,743.00.
Fiscal Note
Funding for this work is available in the FY 2007 Energy Supply budget.
Prepared by: George K. Allen, AGM, Energy Supply
Submitted by: Karen S. Johnson, General Manager