Permit Accessory Dwelling Units by Right in College Park (NB)
This item involves a proposal to modify City regulations to permit Accessory Dwelling Units in certain areas of the College Park neighborhood.
In August, 2004, the Economic Development/University Community Committee (EDUCC) considered recommendations from several Ad Hoc Subcommittees formed as a consequence of the Norfolk/New Haven Inter-City trip. One recommendation, generated from the Urban Master Planning Subcommittee, involved a proposal to modify City regulations to permit Accessory Dwelling Units by Right in certain areas of the College Park neighborhood. An example of an Accessory Dwelling Unit in this context, would be a granny flat located over a detached garage. Allowing this type of unit BY RIGHT, would indicate that it is allowable within a specific zoning classification, per the City of Gainesville's Land Development Code.
Following study of the proposal by the EDUCC, and consultation with potentially effected neighborhoods, the EDUCC declined to move forward on this recommendation.
Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission: 1) take no action on this item.