Trailer Mounted Bull Wheel Tensioner (B)
Staff recommends the purchase of a trailer mounted bull wheel tensioner from Sherman and Reilly Inc. to be used when installing electric transmission and distribution overhead conductor.
A bull wheel tensioner is an important piece of equipment used by the Electric Transmission and Distribution Division (T&D) to properly and safely install large overhead electrical conductors. Currently the Utility has only one such unit which is shared by the two T&D operating centers. Since this equipment is typically used by multiple crews, delays can result due to scheduling conflicts. In addition when repairs or scheduled maintenance of the unit is needed, crews are unable to install large conductors. This bull wheel tensioner will be an addition to the fleet and will be used primarily by the crews at the Springhills Service Center.
Invitations to bid were sent by Utilities Purchasing to five prospective bidders with two responding. The bids were evaluated based on price, product features, delivery time, warranty, and past performance of the vendor. Staff recommends awarding the bid to Sherman and Reilly, Inc. as the firm submitting the best evaluated bid. The bid tabulation is attached for your reference.
The City Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order to Sherman and Reilly Inc. for a trailer mounted bull wheel tensioner in the amount of $33,600.
Fiscal Note
Funds are available for this purchase in the FY 2007 Electric Transmission and Distribution Division's General Plant budget.
Prepared by: David E. Beaulieu, Energy Delivery Assistant General Manager
Submitted by: Karen Johnson, Interim General Manager