American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Update(B)
Attachment A - “City of Gainesville ARPA SLFRF Project Funding Summary through July 14, 2022” provides an overview of the current appropriated and earmarked ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) funded projects. GSG, the City’s General ARPA consultant, has worked with Staff to determine funding eligibility under the ARPA program.
The following projects have been allocated funding by the City Commission:
• Aid to Non-Profit Organizations - $6,981,322
Since April 21, 2022, when the City Commission approved the Community Foundation of North Central Florida’s recommendation to fund 36 nonprofit organizations totaling $6,981,322 (Agenda #211074), Staff has held one-on-one sessions with every nonprofit to discuss their application, budget, ARPA reporting requirements and draft agreements. Through July 6, 2022, 10 nonprofits are reviewing their draft agreements and 8 nonprofit agreements are in process of being fully executed. The remaining nonprofit agencies are still working on finalizing their expenditure plans.
• East Side Urgent Care Center - $2,250,000:
o The triparty agreement between the City, Alachua County and UF Health Shands was approved by the Shands Board of Trustees.
o City staff held a neighborhood workshop to begin the required land use and zoning changes to facilitate the clinic construction, mobility hub, and associated uses on the site. The land use and zoning proposals will be heard by the City Plan Board at their July 28th meeting and by the Commission by September.
o Design for the clinic and site planning for the property is underway. City staff and UF Shands have been meeting regularly to work on preliminary site layout.
• Energy Rehabilitation - $1.9 million:
Staff has implemented changes to GRU’s LEEPplus program to use ARPA fun...
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