Development Issues Referral (B)
The Community Development Committee discussed the neighborhood workshops process. The workshops are required for all development over a certain size threshold, and for most types of land use and zoning petitions. Developers in Gainesville must hold a neighborhood workshop prior to applying to the City, in order to provide early notice to surrounding neighborhoods and to provide a forum for early, informal input on development proposals.
Staff proposed that it would be helpful to develop a brochure that describes the neighborhood workshops and development process generally. Staff prepared a draft brochure and the Committee discussed it and offered comments. Staff provided the draft brochure to neighborhood representatives for neighborhood organizations' comments, and made further edits in response to those. The Community Development Committee discussed the brochure a second time and concluded that it was a favorable improvement to the process.
Fiscal Note
The brochure can be produced in-house.
Community Development Committee to the City Commission: 1) approve the development review process brochure with changes; 2) the Committee provide a copy to the City Commission on January 26, 2004; and 3) the City Commission remove the item from the referral list.