Urban and Community Forestry Grant (B)
Authorization for the City of Gainesville to apply for additional funds associated with an existing Urban and Community Forestry Grant (received in October 2005) from the State of Florida, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Forestry.
The Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs received $100,000 in funding for the project: Improving Wind Resistance of and Reducing Potential Hazards from Gainesville's Right-of-Way Trees. The project is 2/3 completed. The Division of Forestry advises that they may have additional funds for the City of Gainesville as an add-on to the original grant. Permission is requested to complete an application for these additional funds. The money would be used to extend the contract for the single Asplundh bucket truck crew that assists the Parks Division with improving the wind resistance of right-of-way trees through September 30, 2007.
Fiscal Note
The grant requires a 25% cash or in-kind services match. The supplemental grant application will request $37,500 from the Florida Division of Forestry and commit the City to providing $12,500 in matching funds. The match can be met with funds included in the FY 06-07 budget for the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs.
The City Commission authorize the City Manager to expand the Urban and Community Forestry Grant with the State of Florida, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Forestry.