Speeding Issues in the Forest Creek Neighborhood (B)
The Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Public Works Committee hear a report of outstanding issues that were addressed in the Forest Creek Neighborhood.
Brian Kanely of Traffic Engineering gave an update of the studies conducted by staff in the neighborhood in regards to speeding, and the volume of traffic. The matter of the complaint regarding Tire Plus employees speeding was discussed and correspondence from GPD staff was given out to the Committee. The residents of the neighborhood in attendance also expressed concerns over recent changes to the roadways in the neighborhood and asked that they be addressed. Phil Mann of Traffic Engineering agreed to flag the new traffic signs and also install some additional warning signage of the curves in the roadway. The Committee requested that updates regarding Tire Plus and the roadway be brought back at a future meeting to attempt to resolve all of the neighbors concerns regarding the speeding, roadway and continued issues outstanding with Tire Plus.
The Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Public Works Committee: 1) accept the final status reports; 2) forward to City Commission for final approval; and 3) remove this item from the Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Public Works Committe active referral list.