Authorization to Purchase New Parking Citation System Software and Hardware (B)
This item authorizes the City Manager to execute a contract for purchase of new software and handheld ticketing machines for operation of the City's parking citation program.
The City last purchased new software and handheld machinery for the parking program in 2002. The initial term of the contract was three (3) years with two (2) two-year renewals. The contractor is T2 Systems, Inc. T2 has provided the City with excellent implementation assistance and training and maintenance services during the course of the contract. Beginning in late 2007, however, the City's handheld machinery became so technologically and programmatically obsolete that the handhelds were no longer supported by the vendor. The City has continued using them during the interim, but very few of the machines are still in working order.
The City issued an RFP for new services, which was accessed by ten vendors. Two vendors attended the City's mandatory pre-bid meeting; and one vendor submitted a bid on the due date of December 5, 2008. That vendor is T2, which also made an onsite presentation on December 17, 2008. Based on the system capabilities and equipment included in the T2 bid, and with input from the users of the ticket-writing machinery, the evaluation committee awarded T2 352 points out of 400 and chose to award the contract to T2 again. The new contract is for three (3) years with an optional three-year extension, and the bidder has guaranteed support for the handheld machinery during the entire six (6) years if the contract is extended.
Fiscal Note
The estimated acquisition cost of the software and hardware, and ticket-writing machines is $164,975 and will be funded through parking citation revenues, which are projected to exceed budgeted levels by approximately $190,000 in FY09. Recurring expenses of approximately $22,000 per year for maintenance and soft...
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