Source Reduction and Recycled-Content Procurement Policy
Source reduction of solid waste, or "waste prevention," is the single most cost-effective means of avoiding solid waste collection and disposal costs. Recycling, another method of waste reduction, can also help avoid disposal costs. However, recycling cannot be effective without the procurement of recycled-content products.
In April 1991, Mayor-Commissioner Courtland Collier signed a proclamation that stated the City would adopt "a formal Source Reduction and Recycling Procurement Policy." In November 1991, the City of Gainesville adopted a Comprehensive Plan Solid Waste Element that included policy statements to: 1) minimize the amount of solid waste that must be disposed of in a landfill by 50% by 2001; and, 2) buy recycled-content paper, with post-consumer content to federal guidelines. In order of priority, minimization shall be attained by: 1) source reduction of waste; 2) re-use; 3) recycling; 4) composting; and 5) landfilling .
The Florida legislature has made buying recycled content products a condition for municipalities to receive grant funds from the State of Florida. As a recipient of State of Florida Recycling and Education Grant funds, the City of Gainesville is required to purchase products with recycled content. This is in accordance with State of Florida Solid Waste Grant Rule Number 62-716, pursuant to Florida Statute Section 403.7065 (of statute 287.045) which is commonly known as the State of Florida Solid Waste Management Act. The State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection may withhold grant funds from any municipality that does not make significant progress toward compliance with this condition.
The Solid Waste Division, with assistance from several General Government departments/divisions and the GRU Purchasing Manager drafted a Source Reduction and Recycling Procurement Policy that is ready for City Commission consideration.
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