Southern Charm Kitchen Update (B)
Since its opening in August of 2011, Southern Charm Kitchen has served as a catalyst for continued redevelopment along the Hawthorne Road corridor. The establishment is one of the only sit-down family restaurants to exist on the east side and has been well-received by the community. Due to challenges faced by the restaurant owners, Southern Charm has been closed for business and the CRA received inquiries about future plans for the facility.
At its April 2019 Board Meeting CRA Staff and owner Omar Oselimo brought the Board up to speed on the details surrounding the closing, what the lease requires and options for moving forward. The Board requested Mr. Oselimo address the Eastside Redevelopment Advisory Board with his plans for reopening and for addressing community questions and concerns.
Mr. Oselimo spoke with the Eastside Board at its July 2019 meeting and central to their concerns was the removal of paper from the windows of the business and reopening as a sit-down restaurant/café by the stated June of 2020 goal. At today’s meeting CRA Staff will present a proposed Amendment to the Lease Agreement which places these concerns in writing and requires action on the part of the Owner to remain in compliance with the lease terms.
Fiscal Note
Not applicable at this time
CRA Executive Director to the CRA: Authorize CRA Executive Director to execute the Third Amendment to Lease Agreement with Southern Charm Kitchen once approved as to form and legality by the CRA Attorney.