Letter Supporting Florida Public Transportation Association's Position on Medicaid/ADA Issue (B)
This item involves a request for the City Commission to authorize the City Manager to submit a letter in support of the Florida Public Transportation Association's (FPTA) position on the Medicaid/ADA issue.
Some local Community Transportation Coordinators (CTC) are proposing to turn over Medicaid trips to local transit systems' ADA service. FPTA's Position Statement on the Medicaid/ADA Issue dated December 6, 2005, highlights the anticipated negative impact to transit systems if Medicaid and Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) trips are transferred to ADA systems. Both FPTA and RTS recommend the City Commission take a firm stand against shifting Medicaid trips to local ADA systems.
Fiscal Note
Currently, Medicaid allocates $1,413,120 annually to Alachua County and TD allocates an additional $456,000, for an annual total of $1,869,120.
The City Commission: 1) authorize the City Manager to submit a letter to the Commission on Transportation Disadvantage (CTD) supporting the FPTA's position on the Medicaid/ADA Issue.
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission deny the request to submit the letter in support of FPTA's position on Medicaid/ADA Issue. This action could result in the turnover of Medicaid and TD trips to the City's ADA system if approved by the CTD. If the turnover is approved by the CTD, it would result in an increased financial burden on the City's ADA service.
Alternative Recommendation B: The City Commission deny the request.