Rename the Downtown Community Plaza in honor of musician Bo Diddley (B)
This item involves a request to rename the Downtown Community Plaza in honor of musician Bo Diddley.
On June 2, 2008, long time Alachua County resident and music legend, Bo Diddley, passed away. Mr. Diddley has been recognized for his significant role as one of the founding fathers of Rock and Roll. He received numerous awards, including those from the Washington Area Music Associations Hall of Fame, Rockabilly Hall of Fame, a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Rhythm and Blues Foundation, Mississippi Musicians Hall of Fame, and the North Florida Music Associations' Hall of Fame. Mr. Diddley moved to the City of Archer, Florida in 1979 and performed numerous benefit and charity performances in Gainesville and Alachua County including several at the Downtown Community Plaza.
In April of 1976, as part of the bicentennial observance, the square was designed by University architect Harry Merritt and dedicated as the Community Plaza. Many of the materials used came from buildings that had stood on that site in an effort to tie the site to early Gainesville. The Plaza was remodeled in the 1990s to make it appropriate for activities. Since then, the Plaza has been referred to as the Downtown Community Plaza, but was never officially renamed that.
On June 9, 2008, the City Commission referred the matter of renaming of the Plaza to the Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Public Works Committee.
On August 14, 2008, the Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Public Works Committee agreed with the proposal to name the Downtown Community Plaza in honor of Mr. Diddley.
Fiscal Note
A draft of possible signage changes is attached. Cost estimates have been received from the sign company that created the original signs. Depending on the extent of changes needed, the fiscal impact is anticipated to range between $1,500-$5,000, to be paid from the Department of Parks, Recrea...
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