Resolution to Enter into a Construction and Maintenance Agreement for Norton Multi-modal Trail (B)
This item is a Resolution for approval and authorization to enter into a Construction and Maintenance agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), allowing the City of Gainesville to provide maintenance to the proposed extension of the Norton multimodal trail from NW 45th Ave (current trail termini) to NW 39th Ave.
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is proposing to fund the construction of the Norton Trail Extension. Since the Construction funding is provided by the FDOT, a Maintenance Agreement is required to be executed prior to construction of these betterments.
The City of Gainesville would like to enter into a Maintenance Agreement allowing the City of Gainesville to maintain the referenced trail.
Fiscal Note
Public Works intends to maintain the Norton Trail facilities within existing operating budgets.
The City Commission: 1) adopt the Resolution; and 2) authorize the City Manager to execute the Maintenance Agreement and all related documents with the State of Florida Department of Transportation subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.