Sale of City Property Located at 112 S.E. 13th Street
Sale of City Property Located at 112 S.E. 13th Street
The City obtained the subject property (tax parcel #11578) through foreclosure in 1997. There are no improvements on the property and there have been no public uses proposed. Staff has received requests for the City to sell the subject property. It is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Gainesville that this property be returned to a taxable state. Because the property was acquired through foreclosure, City Ordinance Section 2-436 states that the City Commission must determine that the land is not needed for any public purpose. If the City desires to sell the land, it must be by public auction.
Fiscal Note
All costs incurred by the City in the sale of this property should be paid for from the proceeds of the sale. The remainder of the proceeds will be deposited in the General Fund.
The City Commission: 1) determine that the subject property is not needed for any public purpose; and 2) authorize the City Manager to sell the subject property by public auction.