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File #: 070707.    Version: Name: Public School Concurrency (B)
Type: Discussion Item Status: Passed
File created: 3/10/2008 In control: Community Development Committee
On agenda: Final action: 3/10/2008
Title: Public School Concurrency (B) The Community Development Committee referred the report on public school concurrency back to the City Commission.
Attachments: 1. 070707A_200712101300.pdf, 2. 070707B_200712101300.pdf, 3. 070707_20080214.pdf, 4. 070707a_20080214.pdf, 5. 070707b_20080214.pdf, 6. 070707c_20080214.pdf, 7. 070707_20080214.pdf, 8. 070707_2008031020081300.pdf
Public School Concurrency (B)

The Community Development Committee referred the report on public school concurrency back to the City Commission.

The Community Development Committee on February 14, 2008 heard a presentation from staff on public school concurrency. Following discussion of the item, the Committee referred it to the City Commission with a recommendation that the Commission authorize staff to take school concurrency-related comprehensive plan amendments to the City Plan Board, and remove this item from the referral list.

The Florida Legislature over the past decade has progressively strengthened the linkage between school planning and general land use and comprehensive planning through amendments to Chapters 163 and 1013, Florida Statutes. The 2005 Legislature mandated that availability of public schools be made a prerequisite for the approval of residential construction and directed a closer integration of planning for school capacity with comprehensive planning.

A statewide schedule was established by the State that requires local governments in Alachua County to adopt comprehensive plan amendments to establish school concurrency by July 1, 2008. If the amendments are not adopted and transmitted to the state land planning agency by that date, it will result in the local government being prohibited from adopting comprehensive plan amendments that increase residential density until the school concurrency amendments have been adopted and transmitted.

The Public Schools Facility Element (PSFE) must contain data and analysis that addresses the standards used by the School Board to evaluate school facilities, provide an inventory of existing facilities and planned future facilities and an evaluation of the school system based on these standards and a determination of need, including an analysis of funding. The data and analysis evaluates the school system and its relationship to development and growth within secto...

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