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File #: 070034.    Version: 0 Name: Software Upgrade for Risk Management and Safety and Training Management (NB)
Type: Staff Recommendation Status: Passed
File created: 5/14/2007 In control: General Manager for Utilities
On agenda: Final action: 5/14/2007
Title: Software Upgrade for Risk Management and Safety and Training Management (NB) Staff recommends upgrading a software solution for risk management and safety and training management with Unique Software Solutions, Inc.
Software Upgrade for Risk Management and Safety and
Training Management (NB)

Staff recommends upgrading a software solution for risk management and safety and training management with Unique Software Solutions, Inc.
Utility and General Government staff have evaluated its current process for the ability to maintain, track and access risk management, safety and training data used by various City agencies. At present, several separate software systems support various departments, some with identical or similar information. Staff believes that an integrated software solution would allow consolidation of employee safety, training and risk management information in a shared database which could be accessed based on an employee's authorization requirements. Using a common software solution would improve staff's ability to track, manage and access employee health and safety related information such as worker's compensation injuries, FMLA leave, safety training and compliance, accident reporting, job hazard analysis and related issues.
Unique Software Solutions has been used by the City since 1997 in a Windows format. The upgrade will include the addition of modules and user licenses in a web-based application that will meet the needs of all operational health services. One of the important additions will include a Learning Management System (LMS) that will allow integration of Risk Management functions for all City agencies. The LMS application is currently performed by software whose license expires at the end of the fiscal year. By integrating the LMS functions with those performed by Unique Software Solutions, all City departments will use a single training database to schedule and track federal and state mandated training as well as progression through training programs.
This purchase will allow for an upgrade to the system which reduces the overall cost of establishing an integrated system. The application package for General Governmen...

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