Purchase of Combustible Gas Indicators (NB)
Executive Summary
Staff is requesting the purchase of combustible gas indicators from J and N Enterprises as a specified source and authorize the issuance of a purchase order for equipment, training and miscellaneous expenses.
The Field Services Department is the first responder on gas emergencies. Current gas detection equipment is over 12 years old and has reached the end of its useful life. Staff has researched replacement equipment and has found that the Sensit Gold CGI detector, manufactured by J and N Enterprises is the equipment best suited for their needs. These detectors are used constantly in the field to detect the presence of natural gas and carbon monoxide when a customer places a call for service. It is the only combustible gas indicator available that can monitor four gases at the same time. Additionally it can download readings so there is a record of concentrations and what was present. With the accessories to be purchased, crews will now be able to do additional monitoring with one piece of equipment that currently requires three separate pieces. Facility Protection personnel at Spring Hills use this same piece of equipment and are very pleased with its performance. By utilizing the same combustible gas indicators, coordination, communication and training between the two groups will be enhanced. Thus, staff is recommending the purchase of the Sensit Gold Combustible Gas Indicator from J and N Enterprises.
The City Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order to J and N Enterprises, as a specified source, for combustible gas indicators in the amount of $51,951.85.
Fiscal Note
Funding for this request is included in the General Plant Division 157 Budget for FY 2006.
Prepared by: Thor Wishart, Utility Field Services Manager
Submitted by: Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager