Addie Hill Status Report/Prospective Business Loan Program (NB)
Economic Development staff has been working with various partners in the community to explore methods of providing greater financing startup opportunities for the purposes of small business development.
On January 10, 2005, this item was referred to the Personnel & Organizational Structure Committee by the City Commission. On October 4, 2005, this item was discussed at the Personnel & Organizational Structure Committee and referred back the to City Commission for the meeting on October 24, 2005, with the recommendation for the City Commission: 1) to approve City staff's participation as a partner in implementation of the Access to Capital Program; and, 2) to direct staff to return in six months with an update at which time the City Commission can decide whether the City of Gainesville shall continue participating in the Access to Capital Program or seek other alternatives. All recommendations were approved and passed.
On August 22, 2006, Erik Bredfeldt, Economic Development Director, provided an update on the City's participation in the Access to Capital Program and agreed to provide a written report on the program to the City Commission every six months.
Fiscal Note
City Commission remove this item from the Personnel & Organizational Structure Committee referral list.