Funding for Purchase of New Gainesville Police Department Annex and Construction and Renovation to Existing Facilities (NB)
At the City Commission retreat in 2004 and as part of their goal-setting session, a new police facility was identified as a priority. A spatial needs assessment was conducted and it was determined the need was for approximately 140,000 square feet of building space to be located on approximately 4.74 to 7.15 acres. The total cost for the project, not including the land acquisition, was approximately $23,000,000.
During fiscal year 2004, the Gainesville Police Department renovated an existing structure to the rear of the main building that was ultimately turned into the Property and Evidence Building. This freed up approximately 4,000 square feet of much needed office space. Several other renovations to the main building were accomplished as a result of these moves; however, functionally the main building remains obsolete and office and parking space is at a premium.
The Gainesville Police Department is looking to acquire and renovate a structure and property with approximately 14,000 square feet of space and as many as 50 additional parking spaces. If the proposal is approved, GPD would also utilize available funds to renovate the new facility structure, renovate the existing building, and refurbish the Special Investigations Division (Narcotics Unit) structure, which has had no significant remodeling in at least twenty years, and consequently is in need of extensive repairs.
The purchase of the building would allow the Gainesville Police Department to expand and capture much needed office space at a fraction of the cost of constructing a new police facility. Based on the totality of options available, this alternative can accomplish the goal of the City Commissioners to provide additional space for the police department, without an enormous debt service, and eliminate the need to build a new polic...
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