Byrne Grant Application (B)
Alachua County has been allocated $251,234.00 in Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Assistance Grant funds for FY 2002. The Gainesville Police Department made a presentation before the Alachua County Substance Abuse Policy Board requesting Byrne Grant funds for second year of funding for the Youth Alcohol Program (Party Patrol). This Board has recommended to the Board of County Commissioners that $67,500.00 of the Byrne Grant funds allocated to Alachua County be awarded to the Gainesville Police Department's Youth Alcohol Program. The required match of $22,500 will be appropriated from the Federal Law Enforcement Contraband Forfeiture Trust Funds. The funds will be available October 1, 2001.
Fiscal Note
Funds for this expenditure are available in the Federal Law Enforcement Contraband Forfeiture Trust Fund and are allowable per Federal 21 U.S.C.()881, found in the U. S. Department of Justice "A Guide to Equitable Sharing of Federally Forfeited Property for State and Local Enforcement Agencies". The balance in the account is $143,996.
The City Commission authorize the City Manager to: 1) apply to the Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Assistance Grant Program for $67,500.00 in grant funds; 2) appropriate $22,500.00 from the Federal Law Enforcement Contraband Fund Trust Fund for the match; and 3) execute the grant agreement and any other necessary documents.