Contract with Northeast Gainesville/Duval Area Neighborhood Front Porch Florida Community Inc., Revitalization Council for Housing Improvements (B)
In March 2001, Governor Jeb Bush designated the Northeast Gainesville/Duval Area Neighborhood as a Front Porch Florida Community. As a result, the Northeast Gainesville/Duval Area Neighborhood Front Porch Florida Community Inc., Revitalization Council has awarded the City a $25,000 Front Porch Florida grant via a subcontract to retrofit eligible homes in the designated Northeast Gainesville/Duval Area Neighborhood. The Housing Division has identified housing projects that are eligible to receive funding from the grant. Each eligible homeowner shall receive up to a maximum grant of $7,500 to retrofit their home.
Fiscal Note
No additional matching funds are required. The Front Porch Florida funds will be leveraged with the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program (SHIP), Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME), Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Residential Construction Mitigation Program (RCMP) dollars from the Housing Division's current fiscal year budget to fund the housing projects.
The City Commission: 1) accept the grant award; 2) approve the subcontract in the amount of $25,000; 3) authorize the Mayor to execute and the Clerk of the Commission to attest to the required closing documents to approve the grant awards for eligible homeowners; and 4) authorize the Housing Division to use the standard housing rehabilitation program documents for the FPF program funds.