Bid Award for Contract for Uniforms for the Gainesville Police Department (B)
This item is a request for the City Commission to authorize the bid award to DGG Uniforms and Apparel, Inc. for uniforms for the Gainesvilles Police Department (GPD) in an amount not to exceed $163,301.22 per year.
This will allow GPD to purchase uniforms meeting desired specifications at an agreed upon price for up to five years.
On June 19, 2017 the Purchasing division issued an Invitation to Bid for uniforms via ITB GPDX-170050-GD. On July 19, 2017 GPD received three responsible and responsive bids and one unresponsive bid. The bidding process culminated in a contract being awarded to DGG Uniforms and Apparel. The award is for a total of four years with an optional one-year extension.
Fiscal Note
Funds in the amount of $163,301.22 per year are available in the Gainesville Police Departments approved general budget.
The City Commission: 1) authorize the bid award to DGG Uniforms and Apparel for uniforms; and 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute a contract and any necessary documents with DGG Uniforms and Apparel for the purchase of uniforms, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality; and 3) authorize the City Manager or designee to authorize a purchase order for the selected vendor in an amount not to exceed $163,301.22 per year.