Evaluation Rankings for SW 62nd Blvd 4-Lane Arterial Connector (B)
This item is a request for the City Commission to approve the ranking of Engineering firms/teams and authorizing staff to begin negotiations for the Project Development & Environmental Study (PD&E) for the SW 62nd Blvd project.
On February 2, 2015 the City Purchasing Division solicited written statements of qualifications from professional engineering consultants to revise the Preliminary Engineering Report and Environmental Assessment (PD&E) and obtain a Finding of No Significant Impact from the Federal Highway Administration for the locally preferred alignment for SW 62 Boulevard (RFQ No. PWDA-150033-DS). The locally preferred alternative selected by the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization widens WSW 62 Blvd/SW 52nd Blvd from SR 26/Newberry Road to its current terminus south of SW 20th Avenue and constructs a new roadway south of SW 20th Avenue to connect to SR 24/Archer Road. The project also includes the extension of SW 24 Avenue and SW 40th Blvd enhancing connectivity in the area.
Two (2) professional engineering consulting firms submitted statements on February 2, 2015. Evaluation of the written submittals resulted the ranking of the two firms.
The evaluators rank the firms as follows:
1. HNTB Corporation
2. Chen Moore & Associates
Fiscal Note
Federal Earmark funding through the Florida Department of Transportation is available for the PD&E. The amount of the contract will be determined through negotiations.
The City Commission: 1) accept the selection of the two most qualified firms in the order of ranking; 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to initiate contract negotiations and execute a contract for professional services in accordance with Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA); and 3) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all contract documents and other necessary documents, subject to approval ...
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