E-Government Tape Drive Purchase (NB)
This item seeks authorization for staff to purchase a backup tape drive solution using a price discounted off the State of Florida's Information Technology hardware contract.
On February 11, 2008, the City Commission authorized staff to acquire an E-Government solution from Innoprise Software Incorporated for Building Inspection, Codes Enforcement, and Planning software. The complete acquisition also included hardware, GIS software, consulting services, and maintenance.
A number of anticipated hardware components have already been acquired. Still remaining to be purchased is a backup tape drive solution needed to address our immediate and long-term needs. After much research, staff determined the best solution to be an IBM TS3500 tape package, which is available on the State of Florida's purchasing contract.
The list price for this tape system, which includes the hardware, related software, and extended maintenance is $166,825. Staff, however, has been able to negotiate an additional discount of $28,579 with Gainesville-based IBM business partner, E-TechServices. This discount reduces the total package cost to $138,246.
...Fiscal Note
Initial funding for the E-Government effort includes $200,000 from the Gallagher Insurance settlement and $400,000 from the Building Inspections Enterprise Fund. The initial cost of the E-Government effort was projected to be $450,000, which included $110,000 funding for the tape drive system. While the cost of this tape solution is higher than originally estimated due to hardware and software price increases, it is within available funding.
The City Commission: 1) approve E-TechServices as a specified source for the purchase and installation of an IBM tape drive solution; and 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to issue a purchase order in the amount of $138,246 for the purchase of this backup tape drive solution.