Annual Contract for Grounds and Landscape Maintenance Services for the Thomas Center Gardens (B)
This item involves a request for the City Commission to authorize a bid award to Oasis Landscaping Services, Inc, for the annual contract for grounds and landscape maintenance services for the Thomas Center Gardens.
The Parks Division of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Department conducted a bid for a three year contract with the option of two annual extensions for grounds and landscaping services for the Thomas Center Gardens. This contract includes mowing, edging, trimming, weeding, shrubbery pruning, pest and disease inspections, litter removal, fertilization, fountain cleaning, irrigation inspection and flower plantings. A mandatory pre-bid conference was conducted on October 24, 2006 and five vendors attended. After evaluating all proposals, it is recommended to award the bid to Oasis Landscaping Services, Inc.
Fiscal Note
Funding for this contract was approved during the budget process in the Parks Division (Account No. 001-850-8560-5390-4120). The amount for the contract period running from January 2007 - September 2009 is $80,749.82 or $2,446.96 per month.
The City Commission authorize the City Manager or his designee to approve the annual contract for grounds and landscape maintenance services for the Thomas Center Gardens, and enter into a three-year contract with the option of two annual extensions to Oasis Landscaping Services, Inc.
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission deny this request.