Agreement with the School Board of Alachua County for the School Resource Officer Program for the 2001/2002 School Year (B)
The Alachua County School Resource Officer Program is a crime and delinquency prevention program focused on educating and counseling students. This program, which has been in place for many years, is a joint venture of the City of Gainesville Police Department (GPD) and the School Board of Alachua County that encompasses crime prevention and safety education, student counseling, law enforcement assistance, gathering information about potential problems, and development of a positive image of law enforcement officers among students and parents.
This contract provides that GPD will assign eight (8) police officers to provide School Resource Officer services to each of the following schools: A.Quinn Jones Center (two officers), Charles W. Duval Elementary School (one officer), Gainesville High School (two officers), Stephen Foster Elementary School (one officer), and Horizon, New Pathways Center (two officers). There will also be one (1) Juvenile Relations Officer serving as a floating School Resource Officer.
GPD will also assign one (1) School Resource Officer as Officer Friendly to provide public safety and prevention and intervention education programs at the following elementary schools: Anchor Center, Glen
Springs Elementary School, Littlewood Elementary School, J.J. Finley Elementary School, Metcalfe Elementary School, Rawlings Elementary School, Norton Elementary School, Terwilliger Elementary School, Talbot Elementary School, and Williams Elementary School.
Fiscal Note
The School Board agrees to pay $125,330 as its share of funding ten (10) School Resource Officers and up to $6,000 for instructional materials and training for the School Resource Officers program.
The City Commission authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement between the School Board of Alachua ...
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