Interlocal Agreement for Continuation of Alachua/Bradford Regional Workforce Board Bus Pass Program (B)
This item involves authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Alachua/Bradford Regional Workforce Board d.b.a. FloridaWorks to continue the Welfare Transition Program (WTP) Bus Pass Program (previously known as Work and Gain Economic Self-sufficiency (WAGES) program) and to accept a $4,500 revenue payment for providing prepaid, unlimited transit access for 1,000 WTP customers for one year from June 15, 2006 through June 14, 2007.
On September 11, 2000, the City of Gainesville (CITY) entered into an Interlocal Agreement with Alachua/Bradford Regional Workforce Board (BOARD) to allow 1,111 Work and Gain Economic Self-sufficiency (WAGES) customers to have prepaid, unlimited access to public transit as a means of providing them with access to childcare, education and training, medical services, and employment. The BOARD paid the City $10,000 that represented 100% of the cost of the $9.00 fee per customer for 1,111 WAGES customers (100% of $10,000).
The original cost of $9.00 per customer was assessed based on the total cost for other Regional Transit System (RTS) Employee Bus Pass Programs currently in effect. Fifty percent (50%) of the per customer cost of $9.00 for RTS's Employee Bus Pass Programs for City, County Employees, and UF Faculty/Employees had been funded by FDOT until FY 2004. Since the ridership for these programs did not support the increase to $9.00 per customer, the total rate for the UF, City, and County Employee Bus Pass Program was subsequently reduced to $4.50 per customer. RTS proposed and received approval to use the $4.50 reduced per customer rate for the FY 2005 BOARD program.
The CITY allowed WAGES customers unlimited access for a period of one year to the Regional Transit System when the WAGES customer showed the appropriate BOARD approved bus pass. The City of Gainesv...
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