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File #: 071016.    Version: Name: Depot Park Update and Development Action Plan (B)
Type: Discussion Item Status: Passed
File created: 4/28/2008 In control: Community Redevelopment Agency
On agenda: Final action: 4/28/2008
Title: Depot Park Update and Development Action Plan (B) This item involves the Depot Park Update and Development Action Plan.
Attachments: 1. 071016_MOD_20080317.PDF, 2. 071016A_MOD_20080317.pdf, 3. 071016B_MOD_20080317.pdf, 4. 071016C_MOD_20080317.PDF, 5. 071016_200804281300.pdf
Depot Park Update and Development Action Plan (B)

This item involves the Depot Park Update and Development Action Plan.

On March 17, 2008, Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) staff presented its project update and development action plan for Depot Park to the CRA board. The presentation covered the project vision, coordination structure, anticipated project timeline spanning the present to late 2011, funding availability, and funding gaps. The CRA approved several recommendations for referral to the City Commission in order to clarify and assign project management responsibilities, expedite the project schedule and fill funding gaps.

Since the CRA meeting date, staff has continued to expedite progress on the schedule. On April 1, a remediation coordination meeting was held with Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) officials. This meeting clarified cleanup objectives related to coal tar, petroleum, and other contaminants and secured FDEP assistance with addressing arsenic and solvents detected on portions of the site. The Rinker building is expected to be demolished by the end of April. A pre-bid meeting for relocating the Depot Building was held on April 11th. Bid submittals were due April 23rd. Public Works made progress on completing the reconstruction documents for Depot Avenue with CRA staff requesting brick paving, roadway lighting and electrical conduit. The landscape architecture firm Carol Johnson and Associates attended the Cade Museum charrette, conducted a site visit, and began drafting park design standards for completion by mid-July. The Phase 1a landscaping plans for the west pond are undergoing revisions and bidding of this work is expected by early May.

Over the last seven months, CRA staff has been instrumental with aiding the museum leadership become familiar with the Depot Park project and obtain various design documents, and also with coordinating with GRU and Public...

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