GRU Rate Structure, Item #070360 (NB)
On August 13, 2007 the City Commission referred the issue of GRU's rate design and structure to the RUC for review per concerns brought forward by citizen Jim Konish. Mr. Konish also complained about the difficulty he had in reading the bill. The bills in question were produced during implementation of a new billing system and the associated problems have been resolved.
Staff prepared a report and was scheduled to present it at the October 9, 2007 Regional Utilities Committee meeting, however, Mr. Konish was not present at the meeting, so the item was pulled from the session to be discussed at a later meeting.
On January 14, 2009 GRU staff gave a presentation to the Regional Utilities Committee and the recommendation to remove the item from the referral list was approved by the RUC. Mr. Konish was notified of the meeting earlier that day, but was unable to attend the meeting until after the item had been completed. Mr. Regan offered to meet with Mr. Konish at a later date to discuss any concerns he still had.
Ed Regan and Diane Wilson of GRU met with Mr. Konish on February 19, 2009 and he shared his comments on GRU's rate structure.
The Regional Utilities Committee (RUC) recommends that the City Commission remove this item from the referral list.
Fiscal Note
This item has no fiscal impact.
Submitted on behalf of the RUC by Robert Hunzinger, General Manager