Vehicle Parking in Multi-Family Residential Zoning Districts within the University Context Area (B)
This item was a referred by the City Commission to the Community Development Committee to review the issue of vehicle parking conditions on private property located in Multi-Family residential zoning districts.
The City of Gainesville regulates vehicle parking on private property located in Single-Family zoning districts within the University Context Area or a residential parking overlay district as provided in section 30-56.1 of the City of Gainesville Code of Ordinances. Section 30-56 provides regulation for parking including: dimensions of the parking area; allowable ground cover and proper landscaping; amount of the property that can be used for parking; and driveway plan approval requirements. The ideal result is to create well maintained and clearly defined parking areas that do not diminish the aesthetic value of the community.
Currently no such regulation exists in Multi-Family residential zoning districts within the University Context Area or residential parking overlay districts. In the University Context Area, Multi-Family districts are immediately adjacent to Single-Family districts which are subject to vehicle parking regulations. In this regard there may be properties that are similar in appearance but due to the difference in zoning, may have a dramatically different parking situation.
This item was discussed by the Community Development Committee on April 26, 2011, July 26, 2011, and August 23, 2011. On August 23, 2011, the Community Development Committee approved draft regulations for vehicle parking in Multi-Family residential zoning districts within the University Context Area which are provided as backup. These regulations and provisions will apply to any property that is in a RMF-5, RMF-6, RMF-7, RMF-8, RH-1, RH-2, UMU-1, UMU-2, RMU, OR, or O zoning district and is located within the University Context Ar...
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