SW 5th Avenue Triangle Project (B)
The SW 5th Avenue triangle is located at the corner of SW 13th Street and SW 5th Avenue. The project was a partnership with the University of Florida and the City of Gainesville, each of which owns approximately half of the property. The University approved an easement on the property it owns as requested by the City in order to build the project. In an effort to improve the aesthetics and function of the triangle, the College Park/University Heights (CPUH) advisory Board sought to develop a design that converted the triangle into a an urban pocket park and gateway to the University Heights Neighborhood. Two University of Florida committees have reviewed the final landscaping plans and the public art prior to granting their final approval. The CRA has also budgeted $20,000 for public art as an enhancement to the project. The Art in Public Places Trust in September 2006 issued an invitational call for artists. The Art in Public places Trust recommended Mr. Bradley Smith’s proposal be ranked first. The College Park University Heights Advisory Board and the Community Redevelopment Agency approved Mr. Smith’s proposal. The installation area for the sculpture has been constructed and staff anticipates that the artwork will be installed in the summer of 2008. Mr. Buford Davis was the Landscape Architect for the project and Anglin Construction was awarded the construction contract. The SW 5th Avenue triangle is substantially completed, with final completion anticipated in early November when the benches and trash receptacles are delivered from the vendor.
Fiscal Note
The CRA has budgeted $265,000.00 in the approved Community Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Plan and Budget for 2007-2011, account number 618-790-W727-5520. The total construction cost to date at substantial completion is $174,450 according to documentation submitted by the contractor, Anglin Construction.
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