Cooking Grease Collection and Recycling RUC Referral Item #080132 (B)
This was a referral to the Regional Utilities Committee.
At the June 23, 2008 meeting the City Commission referred the issue of the cooking grease collection and recycling citizen initiative to the Regional Utilities Committee. During a presentation on the Gainesville Clean Water Partnership Program by Sally Adkins, Commissioner Poe mentioned a student that was working on collecting cooking grease at his school and then converting it to bio-diesel fuel for the purpose of operating school equipment. Attached for review and approval is a report from staff resulting from conversations with Commissioner Poe, Kurt Seaburg with the Alachua County Environmental Protection Department, Larry Christian, and Erich Christian. GRU Staff supports the recycling of cooking grease, has written a letter of support for a grant to expand the activity, and has provided supplies to facilitate the collection and transport of used cooking oil. This item was discussed at the January 14, 2009 Regional Utilities Committee meeting and is being recommended for removal from the referral list.
The City Commission: 1) approve the report from staff regarding this referral; and 2) remove this item from the referral list.
Fiscal Note
Prepared by Bob Hunzinger, General Manager
Submitted by the Regional Utilities Committee