Award of Proposal for Security and Access System for Regional Transit System (RTS) Employee Parking Lot and Operations/Administrative Building (B)
The Regional Transit System (RTS) recently constructed an employee parking lot facility with 150 parking spaces. This facility is in need of a security system to monitor activities in the parking lot and an access system to let employees in and out of the parking lot. In addition, it is necessary to install cameras in five different locations at the existing Operations/Administrative building.
On December 30, 2004, the Purchasing Division solicited proposals for the security and access system of the RTS employee parking lot and Operations/Administrative Building from three hundred seventy nine (379) potential vendors, with forty (40) receiving the RFP. A total of four (4) proposals were received. After evaluation of the written proposals, staff recommends award of the contract to WW Gay Fire & Integrated Systems, Inc.
Fiscal Note
Funds are available in the RTS FY2005 Budget. Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Urban Capital funds (50% of total cost) and local funds (50%) will be used to pay for this project.
The City Commission: 1) approve the award of the proposal to WW Gay Fire & Integrated Systems, Inc. for the purchase and installation of a security and access system of the Regional Transit System (RTS) employee parking lot and existing Operations/Administrative building; and 2) authorize the Interim City manager or designee to execute a contract with WW Gay Fire & Integrated Systems, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $48,687.