Petition 212LUC-98 PB. Phil Emmer/Rory Causseaux, agents for Susan C. Glikes. Amend the City of Gainesville Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan 1991-2001 from SF (single-family, up to 8 units per acre) to PUD (planned use district) on 19 acres to allow the following uses: commercial, office, residential and open space development. Located in the 4200 block of Newberry Road.
This is a request to change the designated land use of a 19-acre parcel of land from Single-Family to Planned Use District for a mixed-use development. The property is located on the south side of Newberry Road, north of University Avenue, east of Northwest 44th Street, and west of the Westside Baptist Church. Except for a single-family house at the northwest corner of the property, the site is undeveloped and wooded. The applicant proposes to change the land use designation of the property from Single-Family (up to 8 units per acre) to Planned Use District so that the property can be developed as an exemplary mixed-use project consisting of commercial, office, and residential and open space. The proposed mix of uses and recommended conditions of approval meet the requirements for Planned Use District land use, which "is created to allow the consideration of unique, innovative or narrowly construed land use proposals that because of the specificity of the land use regulations can be found to be compatible with the character of the surrounding land uses and environmental conditions of the subject land. Each adopting PUD overlay land use designation shall address density and intensity, permitted uses, traffic access and trip generation, environmental features and buffering of adjacent uses."
The applicant proposes a mixed-use development with three zones of development that decrease in intensity from Newberry Road southward through the site. The proposed five-acre "Highway Frontage" zone along Newberry Road would have a street-oriented, mixed-use ch...
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