Florida Communities Trust Grant Applications for 2001 (B)
The Florida Communities Trust (FCT), Florida Forever application cycle opened on May 29, 2001. The deadline for applications was August 13, 2001. Approximately $66 million in grants are available this funding cycle to local governments for conservation and outdoor recreation land acquisition. On July 23, 2001, the City Commission heard an update of the Florida Communities Trust Grant applications and provided direction to staff on the funding levels for the Little Hatchet Creek, Beville Creek and Sugarfoot Sink applications.
A draft of the resolution was submitted as part of the application to meet the August 13, 2001 deadline. If approved, an adopted resolution will be submitted so that the City may possibly receive additional points for adopting a resolution supporting greenways and recreation trail systems. By adopting this resolution, the City of Gainesville may be able to use this for the 2001 FCT applications, as well as any future FCT grant applications.
Fiscal Note
The City Commission approve the resolution recognizing the Greenways and Recreation Trail Systems of the City of Gainesville.