(Quasi-Judicial) Petition 54WSU-00 PB, Randy Bart, Agent for Archimica. A Wellfield Protection Special Use Permit with associated development plan review to allow construction of a new secondary containment area, pipe rack and fire protection system building in the Tertiary Zone Layer of the Murphree Wellfield Area. Zoned: I-2 (General Industrial District). Located at 5002 Northeast 54th Place. (B)
In November of 1999, the City Commission adopted an ordinance for the specific purpose of closely regulating uses and developments within the Murphree Wellfield Protection Zones. The proposed development is located within the Tertiary zone of the potable Wellfield area and is subject to review through a Wellfield Special Use Permit by the City Commission. This petition is a request to allow development to be located within the Murphree Wellfield Area. The proposed construction is also located within the Airport Industrial Area. The proposal includes construction of three separate developments:
1. a secondary containment area in the central area of the site;
2. a set of steel structures with secondary containment;
3. a pipe rack system, and;
4. a fire protection equipment enclosure.
The proposed developments include implementation of portions of a previously approved master plan for the Archimica facility. The secondary containment area consists of a concrete pad with curbs to form secondary containment. The concrete is coated with a chemically impervious coating. The area will be used to store hazardous chemicals in drums or a containment of drums and a portable tank wagon. The product tight containers offer one level of protection from any form of contamination. The curbs around the secondary containment provide a second level of protection. If any chemical spills from a container, it is contained within the curbed area that has a highly impervious chemical coating.
An open steel structure with secondary contain...
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