Reimbursement for Oversizing of Potable and Reclaimed Water Facilities at Wilds Plantation Unit 4 (NB)
Reimburse the developer of Wilds Plantation Unit 4 for the oversizing of Potable Water (PW) and Reclaimed Water (RCW) facilities.
Wilds Plantation Unit 4 is a development located in the 10000 block of SW 24th Avenue. A PW and RCW distribution system must be constructed to provide service for the project.
In order to properly serve adjacent undeveloped parcels GRU is requiring Wilds Development, Inc. to construct oversized PW and RCW pipelines. The Developer's Engineer has accommodated this in the development design. The developer's incremental cost to oversize the PW and RCW distribution systems, for which reimbursement is being sought, is $300,000.00.
The recommended amount of $300,000.00 includes all design, construction, labor, and materials associated with the PW and RCW system oversizing to satisfactorily complete the work.
The City Commission authorize the General Manager or her designee to negotiate and execute an agreement for reimbursement to Wilds Development, Inc. for the oversizing of PW and RCW facilities in an amount not to exceed $300,000.00 subject to approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality.
Fiscal Note
Monies for this project are available in the FY 08/09 Water and Wastewater Capital Improvements Budget.
Prepared by David M. Richardson, P.E. AGM Water and Wastewater Systems
Submitted by Karen Johnson, General Manager for Utilities